Preparing our farm lands each planting season is a delicate balance between things we can and cannot control. Even when we do everything right, it can all be wiped out if a thorough land preparation practices are not carried out.
Land preparation is important in that it helps in killing of weeds, improves soil aeration, destroys different stages of crop pest such as egg, larval, pupae or adults by burying them or exposing them to predators, encourages penetration of plant roots and water infiltration into the soil, makes subsequent operations possible and in some cases manure and other organic matter can be incorporated into the soil during this process.
Activities in Okrakwadjo
Over the past few weeks, we have been judiciously working on the clearing and prepping the lands for our third cycle of organic maize production. For this phase, we will be planting across 40-acre prepped lands.
Our next course of action is to create deep seed-beds and fill out with the maize seedlings for planting, which we hope to complete within the next few days before the rains set in.
Activities in Sekpe
So far, we cleared additional 750 acres of farm lands in addition to existing 400 acres from our previous cycle.
The next step is to properly prep the lands for planting of our second cycle of organic soybean. We have acquired several tractors with implements such harrows, ploughs, rotavators, stone collectors to work on both the new and old lands. We hope to complete this exercise in few weeks, in order not the miss the planting window.
We will share updates when we start the panting for our Okrakwadjo and Sekpe Farms.